In a significant anti-narcotics operation, Tripura Police conducted a successful raid in the Khejur Bagan area on December 10th, leading to the arrest of two drug dealers and the seizure of narcotics worth approximately ₹2 lakh. The operation underscores the state's intensified efforts to combat drug trafficking. Acting on confidential intelligence, police officers raided the residence of Loknath Roy, where they discovered a substantial quantity of illegal substances, including dry cannabis and heroin. During the operation, Loknath Roy was arrested at the scene. Subsequent interrogation led investigators to his accomplice, Dipankar Roy, who was also apprehended. Along with the narcotics, police recovered ₹19,800 in cash, believed to be proceeds from drug sales. Both suspects were presented before the court, where authorities sought their remand for further investigation into their potential connections with larger drug trafficking networks. This operation is part of a broader cr...