A grand celebration marking National Youth Day was held at Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhavan in Agartala, organised by the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports (DYAS). The event saw the participation of prominent figures including Sports Minister Tinku Roy, Mayor Deepak Majumder, DYAS Director SB Nath, and renowned Olympian Dipa Karmakar. The ceremony began traditionally with the lighting of the lamp by the distinguished guests. In his address, Sports Minister Tinku Roy emphasised the state government's commitment to enhancing sports infrastructure. He particularly noted the increasing success of local athletes in national and international competitions. A highlight of the event was the felicitation ceremony, where outstanding athletes and successful Durga Puja organising clubs received recognition through cheques and mementoes. The celebration also featured an exhibition where various government departments set up stalls to showcase their ongoing initiatives and programmes. The prese...