Former Tripura Chief Minister and Communist Party of India (Marxist) Politburo member Manik Sarkar launched a scathing critique of the state's political landscape during a mass rally organized by Ganamukti Parishad in Agartala. Speaking at a pre-planned Raj Bhavan march, Sarkar directed his criticism at the ruling BJP-IPFT coalition and the opposition party Tipra Motha. The veteran communist leader accused the BJP-led government of failing to deliver on its 2018 electoral promises, particularly highlighting the pressing issue of unemployment in the state. Sarkar drew attention to the current administration's handling of the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), pointing out problems with stagnant wages and limited working days for beneficiaries. In his address, Sarkar provided a comparative analysis between the current administration and the previous Left Front government's recruitment policies, suggesting a deterioration in employment opportunit...