A blood donation camp was organised as part of the seven-day annual National Service Scheme (NSS) camp at Rajnagar Higher Secondary School. Mayor and MLA Deepak Majumdar inaugurated the event, which was attended by notable dignitaries including Corporator Nitu Guha De, nominated Corporator Dr Manoj Kanti Ray, and ISKCON Mission's Head Priest Sridham Govinda Das, among others. The camp witnessed enthusiastic participation from students, who showed remarkable spirit throughout the event. Speaking to journalists, Mayor Deepak Majumdar emphasised that such camps serve multiple educational purposes alongside the primary objective of blood donation. He noted that these initiatives help future nation-builders understand their civic responsibilities. "Those who are donating blood today are performing the noblest service to humanity," the Mayor stated. He added that such activities foster a sense of social responsibility among young people, encouraging them to contribute meaningfu...