In a delightful and unprecedented event, Tripura hosted its first-ever Baby Marathon this Sunday at Nazrul Kalakshetra, drawing inspiration from a similar event in South Africa. The unique sporting event, which saw over 150 babies participating, was jointly organized by NE Bangla and Shyam Sundar Co. Jewellers, marking a significant milestone in the state's community events calendar. Hon'ble Minister Sri Tinku Roy inaugurated the event, lending governmental support to this innovative initiative. The venue came alive with the sounds of excited parents and onlookers as babies took to specially arranged mats for their crawling competition. The sight of determined infants making their way toward the finish line while parents cheered from the sidelines created an atmosphere of pure joy and entertainment. The event's success can be attributed to its careful organization and attention to safety measures. Soft mats were laid out to ensure the babies could crawl comfortably and secu...