The Tripura Railway Hawker Workers' Association has approached the Railway Protection Force (RPF) Security Commissioner regarding mounting challenges faced by railway hawkers under new regulatory measures. The delegation, headed by labour leader Biplab Kar, presented a formal deputation addressing the severe impact of heightened restrictions and penalties on hawkers' ability to conduct business on trains.
According to the association, recent enforcement measures have created significant obstacles for hawkers attempting to board trains and sell their products, threatening their primary source of income. The restrictions, while aimed at enhancing railway security, have reportedly made it nearly impossible for these vendors to maintain their traditional business operations.
The association's appeal emphasizes the need for a more balanced regulatory approach that can accommodate both security requirements and the economic interests of the hawker community. Their primary request focuses on a comprehensive review of current regulations, with the goal of implementing more sustainable policies that would allow hawkers to continue their trade while adhering to reasonable security protocols.
The delegation has called for immediate intervention from railway authorities, highlighting the urgent need to address the growing economic distress among railway hawkers. This situation represents a significant challenge in balancing railway safety protocols with the preservation of traditional railway vending practices that have long been a source of livelihood for many local families.
The association awaits the Security Commissioner's response and potential policy adjustments that could help resolve this pressing issue.
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