Anup Debnath, a 51-year-old former gymnast from Tripura, has etched his name in the Guinness World Records by performing 20 continuous back handsprings at Malboro Football Ground in the USA on 19th October. Career Highlights: - Gymnastics champion from Ramnagar 8, Tripura - Multiple national medal winner - Represents resilience and athletic excellence Record-Breaking Achievement: Debnath's remarkable performance challenges age-related athletic limitations, demonstrating extraordinary physical fitness and dedication. His world record symbolises the potential of sustained athletic training and personal determination. Post-Record Return: Upon returning to Agartala, Debnath received a traditional musical welcome from family and friends. He plans a five-month stay in Tripura, focusing on: - Gymnastics development - Inspiring young athletes - Sharing his international experience The achievement highlights Tripura's sporting potential and serves as an inspiring narrative of persever...