TRIPURA, November 24, 2024 - In a deeply moving cinematic experience, Power Minister Ratan Lal Nath attended the screening of "The Sabarmati Report" at a local cinema, turning the film viewing into a profound moment of collective remembrance and reflection on the tragic Godhra train burning incident. As the powerful narrative of the film unfolded, depicting the struggle of a determined Hindi journalist seeking justice for the victims, Minister Ratan Lal Nath was visibly moved. His emotional response transcended mere film viewing, transforming the cinema hall into a space of profound social consciousness. At the film's conclusion, the minister took a remarkable step that captured the audience's collective sentiment. He led a one-minute silence, illuminating the darkened hall with mobile phone flashlights - a symbolic gesture of respect and solidarity with the Sabarmati Express victims. Raising his hands in a passionate appeal, Ratan Lal Nath addressed the viewers with ...