The prestigious Bir Bikram Memorial College hosted its annual freshers' welcome ceremony at Rabindra Bhavan's Hall No. 1, marking a significant milestone for its new students. The event was graced by distinguished guests including Member of Parliament Rajib Bhattacharjee and Mayor Dipak Majumder, highlighting the institution's strong community connections.
In his keynote address, MP Bhattacharjee delivered a powerful message that resonated beyond academic excellence. He emphasized the critical need for students to develop as well-rounded individuals who can contribute meaningfully to society. Notably, he addressed the pressing issue of drug addiction, encouraging students to remain vigilant and become positive agents of change in their communities.
The ceremony featured dynamic cultural performances that showcased the creative talents of the students. The event successfully balanced formal proceedings with entertainment, creating an engaging atmosphere for all attendees. The interaction between senior officials, faculty members, and students fostered a sense of belonging among the newcomers.
This welcome ceremony not only served as an introduction to college life but also set clear expectations for the students' role in community development, marking a promising start to their academic journey at BBMC.
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