In a shocking incident that has sent ripples through Tripura's journalistic community, Sujit Acharya, a local journalist, was subjected to a violent attack on Monday night near Moloynagar Bypass, sparking widespread condemnation and a sit-in protest at Amtali Police Station.
According to eyewitness accounts, six unidentified individuals in a Maruti van deliberately rammed Acharya's bike, forcefully throwing him off before launching a sustained physical assault using rods, helmets, and their fists. The brutal attack left Acharya critically injured and hospitalized, with medical professionals monitoring his condition closely.
Led by senior journalist Pranab Sarkar, the journalist fraternity staged a resolute protest, demanding immediate police action and a comprehensive investigation into the attack. The Amtali police, responding to mounting pressure, assured protesters of a thorough inquiry and promised swift arrests of the perpetrators.
The incident has raised significant concerns about press safety and the vulnerability of journalists in the region. Local media organizations view the attack as a direct assault on press freedom and journalistic integrity. The seemingly orchestrated nature of the assault suggests a potential targeted attack, prompting questions about the motives behind the violence.
The protest highlighted the broader challenges faced by journalists in maintaining their safety while performing professional duties. The press community emphasized that such violent incidents create a chilling effect on investigative journalism and threaten the fundamental principles of free reporting.
Amtali police have initiated preliminary investigations, collecting evidence and statements to trace the attackers. The case has drawn attention from media bodies and human rights organizations, who are closely monitoring the developments and demanding transparency in the investigation.
As Acharya continues to recover, the journalistic community remains united in their demand for justice and comprehensive protection for media professionals.
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