Tripura's Chief Minister, Prof. Dr. Manik Saha, has taken a firm stance against the coercive practice of collecting puja subscriptions during the festive season of Durga Puja.
Tripura's Chief Minister, Prof. Dr. Manik Saha, has taken a firm stance against the coercive practice of collecting puja subscriptions during the festive season of Durga Puja. He unequivocally directed the state's police force to crack down on individuals who resort to forcibly stopping vehicles on the road to demand contributions for the puja festivities. Speaking at the inauguration of the 'Fish Transhipment Yard' in Nagicherra, just outside Agartala city, Dr. Saha expressed his dismay over this unlawful and disheartening culture of using the pretext of religious celebrations to collect money. He emphasized that such practices, which were observed in previous governments, would not be tolerated by the current administration. Dr. Saha voiced his strong disapproval of this behavior, labeling it as a bad habit that needs to be eradicated. The 'Fish Transhipment Yard,' constructed at a cost of approximately Rs. 3.50 crore with contributions from the Special Plan...