Not Real Pic: The recent arrest of four Bangladeshi nationals in Matai village, situated under the Hrishyamukh rural development block in South Tripura district, has brought to light the pressing issues of cross-border terrorism, smuggling, and the use of border areas as hideouts for criminals. Law enforcement authorities, including officers from the Hrishyamukh police station and the 109 Battalion of the Border Security Force (BSF), collaborated on a joint operation. This operation was initiated based on valuable intelligence suggesting that several Bangladeshi nationals had illegally crossed the international border and sought refuge in a local household. The arrestees comprised two men and two women, all of whom were apprehended at the residence of Ashish Majumder. As per standard procedure, a case was registered under the relevant laws, and the accused individuals were subsequently presented in court. The court, recognizing the seriousness of the matter, decided to reman...