A railway loco-pilot tragically lost his life due to an incident involving outsourced workers on the Agartala Humsafar Express.
The tragic incident that occurred involving the railway loco-pilot, Pinto Debnath, aboard the Agartala Humsafar Express, has raised serious concerns about the safety and behavior of outsourced workers responsible for passenger services. This incident took place when Pinto Debnath and his friend, both railway staff, were returning from Guwahati to Agartala. The situation escalated when Pinto Debnath requested a pillow for his comfort during the journey, a reasonable and common expectation for passengers on a long train ride. Unfortunately, the outsourced agency's staff, who were tasked with providing essential services to passengers, were reportedly engaged in drinking parties and failed to fulfill this basic request. This led to a heated exchange of words between Pinto Debnath and the service providers. What followed was a deeply distressing turn of events as several drunken servicemen from the outsourced agency brutally attacked Pinto Debnath. The severity of the injuries sustai...