On Sunday, a significant anti-drug operation was conducted under the leadership of OC Shyamal Debnath from Agartala College Tilla Outpost. The operation was initiated based on critical information received from undisclosed sources. As a result of their efforts, law enforcement successfully apprehended four women who were originally from Bihar. These individuals were intercepted outside the Yogendranagar railway station in possession of a substantial quantity of contraband – a staggering 22 kilograms of cannabis. The estimated street value of this illegal haul is approximately Tk 4 lakh. This apprehension sheds light on a distressing pattern of drug trafficking, with these individuals suspected of smuggling cannabis from the state of Tripura to Bihar. The significant quantity of cannabis seized underscores the persistent challenges faced by law enforcement agencies in curbing the illegal drug trade in the region. Efforts to combat such illicit activities are ongoing, and auth...