Bharatratna Sangha, the traditional club of Usha Bazar, is gearing up for their annual celebration of Hindu Sanatan Dharma in their Puja Mandap. This year, as always, the event is expected to draw a massive crowd. The theme chosen for this year's celebration is Neelkanth Dham, a renowned temple located in Gujarat. Neelkanth Dham is a temple that stands out for its eye-catching and imaginative design. Situated in a breathtaking location, it offers visitors a glimpse of the wonders of nature. Nestled amidst the stunning backdrop of the Narmada River, this temple is surrounded by a maze of hills, showcasing the diverse flora and fauna of the region. The lush green gardens, rolling hills and valleys, picturesque grassy fields, and fragrant flowering plants create an enchanting atmosphere that captivates all who visit. This year, the Bharat Ratna Sangh has decided to recreate the entire Neelkanth Dham temple within their Puja Mandap. They have allocated a budget of Rs 30 lakhs to brin...