In the remote village of Killa, nestled within Tripura's Gomati District, a 22-year-old named Baslang Jamatia has emerged as a local football prodigy, capturing the admiration of football enthusiasts far and wide with a breathtaking free-kick during a grassroots tournament. Despite facing financial constraints that halted his formal education at class 10, Baslang's fervor for football has always burned brightly. Unaffiliated with any clubs or teams, Baslang, along with his friends, has diligently honed his skills on the village's modest pitch. What sets him apart is his remarkable journey of self-teaching, drawing inspiration from YouTube tutorials and videos of his football idols, Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi, to refine his technique.
In an exclusive interview with India Today NE, Baslang shared his inspiring story, remarking, “At the age of 16, I began playing football in my village. Even though I have no ties to any official club or team, my friends and I continue to play the beautiful game. Due to financial constraints, my formal education ended at class 10. I've learned the art of football through YouTube, without the guidance of a coach.”
However, Baslang's dreams of pursuing a professional football career are tempered by the weight of familial responsibilities he carries at the tender age of 22. He shoulders the responsibility of providing for his aging parents, both of whom are 70 years old, as well as an elder brother who now resides with his in-laws.
“I aspire to become a skilled football player and receive guidance from professional coaches. My football role models are Ronaldo and Messi, and I've picked up techniques by watching their YouTube videos. Yet, I also have the responsibility of caring for my elderly parents, who are both 70 years old, and my elder brother. Although he now lives with his in-laws, I'm not the sole breadwinner in the family, given my parents' advanced age. So, fully dedicating myself to football is a tough balancing act,” Baslang candidly shared.
On October 2nd, a momentous day for Baslang, he displayed his football prowess with a mesmerizing free-kick that has since set the internet ablaze. The video of this extraordinary feat has gone viral, earning praise from avid football enthusiasts and garnering recognition from esteemed politicians and sports icons alike. Many have drawn parallels between Baslang's incredible goal and the iconic strike by Brazilian football legend Roberto Carlos during the 1998 World Cup against France. Baslang's journey serves as a compelling testament to the power of passion and determination, triumphing over adversity to etch an unforgettable mark in the realm of football.
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