Tripura Chief Minister, Prof. Dr. Manik Saha, has commended the dedicated service of Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Karyakartas and underscored the paramount importance of strengthening the party's grassroots presence. Speaking at an organizational meeting in Udaipur, Saha shared his journey within the party and emphasized the need to prioritize party strength over holding positions.
Reflecting on his own experiences, Saha highlighted his past roles within the party, from booth management to being the Chief Minister for two terms. He stressed that these roles are transient, and the focus should always be on enhancing the party's foundation. "Success in group work requires unity without division," he asserted.
Saha also stressed the significance of remaining connected to the people, emphasizing that party leaders should visit constituents facing difficulties and maintain records. This approach, he noted, aligns with Prime Minister Modi's vision of providing assistance at the grassroots level and reinforces the party's commitment to 'Seva Hi Sangathan' (Service is Organization).
The Chief Minister praised the tireless efforts of BJP Karyakartas, highlighting how their dedication has strengthened the organization, as evidenced by recent bye-poll victories in Boxanagar and Dhanpur assembly constituencies. In conclusion, Saha's message to the party members was clear: prioritize party strength, maintain unity, and continue serving the people at the grassroots level to ensure the party's continued success.
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