The Dhanpur and Buxnagar constituencies are scheduled for by-elections on September 5. The last date for all campaigns was set at 4 pm on Sunday. Interestingly, during the final day of the campaign in Buxnagar, there was a notable absence of opposition activity. However, the BJP continued its campaign without any concessions, organizing various area-based meetings and processions.
The by-election in Dhanpur was necessitated by the unfortunate passing of the CPIM candidate who had won Buxnagar in the previous assembly election, as well as the resignation of Union State Minister Pratima Bhowmik. The by-election in Buxnagar is occurring due to the demise of Shamsul Haque on September 5. This year, CPIM has put forward Mizan Hossain, the son of the late Shamsul Haque, as their candidate. Conversely, the BJP is confident in their candidate, Tafazzal Hossain.
In the previous election in Dhanpur, BJP candidate Pratima Bhowmik secured victory by defeating her nearest rival, Kaushik Chandra of CPIM, by a margin of 3,500 votes. Pratima Bhowmik garnered 19,148 votes, while Kaushik Chandra received 15,648 votes.
In their quest to secure victory in the upcoming by-elections, the BJP has mobilized all their campaign resources. A procession, led by Agartala City Mayor Deepak Majumder, traversed various routes starting from Putia Bazar. The rally attendees fervently voiced their support for Tafazzal Bhai, expressing their determination for his success.
Towards the conclusion of the campaign, BJP candidate Tofazzal Hossain addressed journalists, emphasizing the need for development in the region. He asserted that progress had stagnated during the long period of left-wing governance. Buxnagar residents are now poised to join the government's development initiatives, symbolized by the "double engine" program.
Agartala Mayor Deepak Majumder, who also participated in the rally, exuded confidence in the BJP's victory in the upcoming by-elections. He cited the campaign's momentum as evidence that BJP candidate Tafazzal Hossain would secure a resounding victory with a significant margin. Such an outcome, he claimed, would debunk opposition propaganda that minorities do not support the BJP. Furthermore, there is a possibility that the CPIM's deposit may be forfeited due to their lack of visibility and activity during the campaign.
In conclusion, the by-elections in Dhanpur and Buxnagar constituencies scheduled for September 5 have seen the BJP mounting an active campaign, while the opposition CPIM appears to be less visible and engaged. The BJP is confident in their candidate's victory and is promoting a platform of development and progress for the region. The results of these by-elections will be eagerly awaited to see if the BJP's efforts translate into electoral success.
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