Smriti Irani said that such behaviour had never been witnessed in the country's Parliament before. BJP has questioned the appropriateness of the behaviour, labeling it as "chichora type behaviour," as reported by HT.
Rahul Gandhi delivered his first speech at Lok Sabha on August 9 after being reinstated as an MP. However, he didn't remain in the House to listen to the response, as he had a scheduled event in Rajasthan at 3 pm. Upon departing the Lok Sabha, he repeated a gesture reminiscent of his famous hug and wink during the previous no-confidence motion against the PM Modi government in 2018. It is believed that Rahul Gandhi blew a flying kiss while exiting.Smriti Irani, without directly mentioning Rahul Gandhi's name, denounced the act by stating, “Only a misogynistic man can exhibit the gesture of a flying kiss towards female parliamentarians. This action sheds light on the lineage he originates from and reflects the attitude his family and party hold towards women." Smriti Irani said that such behaviour had never been witnessed in the country's Parliament before. BJP has questioned the appropriateness of the behaviour, labeling it as "chichora type behaviour," as reported by HT.
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