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Indian Teritory: Tripura : 'Forest Food Festival' has been organised by Shyamali Bazar Heritage Park and Tripura Biodiversity Board and Tripura Scatform Project.

 Shyamali Bazar Heritage Park and Tripura Biodiversity Board and Tripura Scatform Project jointlyOrganized 'Forest Food Festival'. The official launch was attended by Shri Praveen L. Agrawal, IFS,Member Secretary, TBB, Dr. Avinash M Kanphade, IFS, CEO & PD, KS Shetty, IFS, PCCF & HOFF, Tripura, Principal Secretary. Later on The guests visited the forest food stall. After the inauguration, a cultural program will be organized from 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm.
